CovidTrackr is an iOS app for visualizing global COVID-19 data from the disease.sh API and features animated line and bar charts, as well as a Choropleth map
CovidTrackr is the revised version of the first iOS app I developed. It was a great learning experience as I was able to learn the fundamentals of iOS development and Swift. This version was built with the latest version of Swift and SwiftUI, and is available on iOS 16.
Contains data for 200+ countries and territories.
Problem Statement
Fetch and display COVID-19 data from the disease.sh API and visualize it in a meaningful way.
Animated Charts
Line and bar charts to observe trends and display the number of confirmed, recovered, and deaths for a selected country.
Interactive Map
Clickable world map with data overlays to visualize the spread of COVID-19.
Tech Stack
Technologies used to bring CovidTrackr to life:
iOS Development
SDKs & Frameworks
Mapbox iOS SDK
Concepts Learned
What I learned from building CovidTrackr:
SwiftUI Components
Creating reusable components using SwiftUI to build a user interface.
Mapbox iOS SDK
Integrating mapbox map into an app and building data overlays.
Legacy Support
Using the Combine framework to integrate UIKit components into SwiftUI.
Network Management
Creating a network manager to handle API requests and responses.